Chase Game:

Attach and Detach

Running - Tagging - Dodging - Sports Game

The Attach and Detach game is a chase game where the goal is to attach yourself to a pair to avoid being tagged. This game can be used as a warm-up before a sports session with children.

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Objective of Attach and Detach

The objective of this chase game is to develop:

  • Agility
  • Coordination

The game involves running and quickly changing direction, which helps children improve their agility and coordination.

Game Setup:

  • One « Cat »
  • One « Mouse »
  • The rest of the children paired up and static

Rules of Attach and Detach:

Rules for the "Attach and Detach" Game - Children's Chase Sports Game
  • Roles:

    • Cat: Runs and tries to tag the mouse.
    • Mouse: Runs and dodges the cat by hooking onto a pair.
  • All pairs stand in the center of the field and remain stationary.

  • At the « START » signal, the cat chases the mouse and tries to tag it.

  • Once the mouse is tagged, the roles switch: the tagged mouse becomes the cat, and the cat becomes the mouse.

  • The mouse can dodge the cat by hooking onto a pair. When the mouse hooks onto a pair, the child on the other end of the pair must unhook and become the new mouse.

  • The cat is not allowed to tag the static pairs.

  • The game ends when the adult decides; there are no winners or losers.


  • Add another cat.
  • Add an additional mouse in motion.

This game is a fun way to engage children in physical activity, enhancing their speed, agility, and ability to work together.

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